We need your help to reach Mississippians across the state.
What is a Speaker’s Bureau?
Think of a speaker’s bureau as a way for UProot to be in two places at once. By formally training a group of people to present on behalf of UProot, we’re able to cover more ground, reach more audiences, and ultimately help more Mississippians.
Here’s an example: The Tupelo Rotary Club would like a presentation on UProot to educate its members about healthy ideas to improve the community. The organization would send UProot a request, seeking a member willing and available to appear for their scheduled meeting time & date. We’ll work with our Speaker’s Bureau volunteers nearby, or available via teleconference, to find a good fit. Or, Northrop Grumman signs up for an appearance to be given during a brownbag luncheon. The bureau is asked who will be in the Pascagoula area that day. This helps us expand the reach of UProot!
How it Works
The state will be divided into quadrants. The goal is for UProot to schedule at least two appearances in each quadrant per quarter.

Expectations of Speaker’s Bureau Reps
Members will simply be offered opportunities to represent UProot, as well as their own organization, during pre-scheduled events in the community. Speaking opportunities also provide an excellent chance to get your personal brand in front of audiences, provide helpful content, and make a difference in local communities across the state. UProot works because of all of us!
Support for Speaker’s Bureau Reps
We’ll equip you with the presentation we’ve developed and tested with audiences over the course of the last several years. We also have branded giveaway materials your audience will enjoy.
Those who deliver a presentation will not only be recognized in the following month’s UProot newsletter, but also receive a token of appreciation.
Join the UProot Speaker’s Bureau!
Please join with us in spreading the message that UProot is building a culture of health in Mississippi—from the ground UP.
DeMatt H. Harkins, MBA
Director of Quality Improvement – Mississippi State Department of Health