Public-health professionals can use the State Health Assessment (SHA) or State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) to determine which issues are of greatest concern to the health of Mississippians. (You can read the SHA/SHIP here). The SHIP helps groups and individuals from multiple sectors to work on a common set of issues in order to improve the health of Mississippians.
Focus on
Public-health professionals can benefit from multiple parts of the full report. Pay special attention to the four Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) assessments, which provide an examination of the health issues affecting Mississippians from four different perspectives.
Get Involved
Individuals and organizations who would like to become involved in the work of the SHIP can contact:
If you are doing work around any of the four priority areas, feel free to share your success with us! Even if you haven’t been part of the SHIP process, we want to help promote the good work happening across Mississippi.