

Community members can use the State Health Improvement Plan, or SHIP, as both a resource and source of inspiration for planning health-promoting projects and events.  The SHIP report contains a large amount of data that may be useful for community groups who are trying to better understand health in Mississippi. The SHIP report reflects the first collaborative effort from not only community but also statewide organizations in Mississippi to evaluate the health of its citizens. It is our hope that the partnerships that have driven UProot may be a starting point for initiatives to occur between partners who haven’t previously collaborated.  Community groups can use the list of partners to see who in our state has a demonstrated interest in promoting health as a potential resource for future projects.  If you are someone who came here looking for ways to be healthier, the UProot priority areas have information and resources that can help you promote health for yourself, your family, and your community. You don’t have to be a large organization to make a real difference in the health of yourself and others.

Focus on

Focus on the four components of the state health assessment and the four priority area action plans. Here’s the State Health Improvement Plan summary; the complete report is available here

Get Involved

If you are interested in promoting health in your community, think of ways to promote the four UProot priorities in the places you live and work.  Definitely feel free to share any stories of work that you are already doing to advance one of the four priorities.  We would love to bring attention to any work accomplished in our communities as a way to better coordinate our efforts.